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Who wrote Vedas and when? How did the original copy of Vedas written by Vyas Muni get lost?
Who wrote Vedas and when: Vedas are not written or spoken by God. This knowledge emanated from God and originated in the heart of four Rishis as stated above. God is Almighty i.e., He has all powers. So He needs no assistance to do deeds of the universe. In the human body an alive soul resides. And soul is dependent, soul requires mouth to speak, eye to see, hand to write etc., etc. but God not. So from His power God originates the knowledge of Vedas in the Rishis without writing, or speaking. Knowledge of the Vedas is one but it was given to four Rishis in the shape of Rig-Veda, Yajurveda, Samveda and Atharvaveda. Four Rishis: 1)AGNI - RIGVEDA 2)VAYU - YAJURVEDA 3)ADITYA - SAMAVEDA 4)ANGIRA - ATHARVAVEDA
How did the original copy of Vedas written by Vyas Muni get lost?
Several wars have been fought on the earth. If you want to destroy the nation, destroy their culture and the nation will be destroyed on its own. Mostly the communities had been doing the work on the said matter.
All scripts in original and other hand written books of the ancient rishis were respectfully placed in India in Takshila and Nalanda, university of Bihar (India).
Aurangzeb started destroying the culture. Aurangzeb arranged both the universities' culture, kept as precious literature consisting of writings of Rishis (scientists) to be put on fire.
Just imagine that the books were burning continuously for about six months.
But traditionally the knowledge of four Vedas was known by heart by Indian Brahmin.
Who knew one Ved by heart, he was called Vedi.
Two Vedas Dwivedi, three Vedas Tripathi, and the Brahmin who knew four Vedas by heart were called Chaturvedi.
So Vedas are still alive and are being printed by the grace of God.
Vedas' knowledge is divine.
The fundamental of the Vedas is that it was not written or spoken.
The knowledge by the power of God originated in the heart of four Rishis about one Arab 96 crore, 8 lakhs and 53,111 years ago.
Then for the first time the four Rishis of nonsexual creation started pronouncing the mantras by the power of God.
God wanted to make them know word meanings and sense of the mantras, and therefore the Rishis knew all.
Then for the first time the four Rishis started pronouncing the mantras.
They taught the mantras to other ignorant people.
Then more Rishis were produced who knew the Vedas by heart by listening only.
There was no paper, ink or pen there.
The Vedas were being learnt orally and traditionally this process is yet in force.
But mostly not by heart but taking help of the printed book.
So printed books are not called Vedas but these are called SAMHITA.
Samhita means the collection of Ved mantras.
Therefore Vedas are not books as yet and will never be in future.
Kapil Muni throws light on this point in his Sankhya Shastra Sutra 5/48 that:
नापौरुषेयत्वान्नित्यत्वमंकुरादिवत् ॥
when a Rishi does tapsya in the shape of Yajyen, study of Vedas, practice of Ashtang yoga then the Ved mantras (now also) originate in heart of a Rishi and the Rishi pronounces the mantras and those mantras are called Vedas, which emanate from God.
So Vedas must first be listened (studied) from alive Acharya (Guru who knows Vedas). Then only books of Vedas can be of any help.
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